If you have lost or misplaced a card, or one was never delivered to you or your company, you can request to have a replacement sent.
In order for us to send a replacement card, your request must be submitted to support@clicksafety.com and meet the following conditions:
- The course must have been taken and completed through ClickSafety.com. We cannot reissue cards for courses not taken with us.
- The course cannot have been taken more than FIVE years ago. OSHA will not allow replacement of any card if the course was completed FIVE* or more years ago, and requires a new course to be purchased and completed before a new card can be issued.
- If the course was completed more than six months ago there is a $50 replacement fee that we can process if you give us a call at 1.800.971.1080 x2
- You must provide proof of account ownership including user name and password or have access to the email that is already on file.
- This is the first replacement card you have requested. If you had a previous replacement card and lost it, you will have to take the course over. Only one replacement card is allowed without retaking the course.
Please note also that there is no central database of OSHA card numbers. A replacement card would have a completely new card number and that card number cannot be mailed in any format other than the actual physical card.
You can log in to your account to print your temporary certificate. It is up to a job site whether they will accept it beyond the original grace period (typically 90 days from course completion), but OSHA would want to see the actual OSHA card.
*The previous cut off had been 3 years. The new regulation was released to ClickSafety by OSHA on 1/13/17.
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