Most accounts are created by purchasing a course or redeeming a voucher code.
If you are purchasing a course from, find the course in our catalog, add it to your cart and go through the checkout process. You will be asked during that process if you have been to before. If you do not already have an account with us, select 'no', fill in your information and continue through the billing.
If a course was purchased for you, you may have been given a 10 digit Voucher code. If you were, go to and click the "Redeem code". Enter the code and proceed through the checkout process as stated above, with the exception that you will not be asked for a credit card.
If you have difficulty setting up an account during either of these steps, pleas read this article: "I do not have a user name or password to check out"
You may also be registering through one of our partner sites like, or /xl or /haskellsafety for example. Those pages have a user registration area. These areas will ask for your name, to choose a passcode, and may prompt you to select your employer and enter their access code. Problems during this process generally stem from the company's corporate account with us.
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