If you have failed an exam once or twice and want to review, want to brush up on material or need to make up extra time to meet the minimum time requirement, you can select to review completed courses from your course list.
IMPORTANT: These instructions refer to our legacy OSHA courses. Our newer Moodle based courses do not allow Topic exam review but do allow you to review previous Topic Modules in review mode with the ability to advance through slides.
Review previous modules
In your account, scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see all of your completed courses listed with the most recently completed one at the very bottom. This most recently completed course will be the one that corresponds with the active topic exam module at the top.
To the right of that completed course name there is a small green arrow. When that arrow is clicked a new window SHOULD open containing a review of the module. If no window opens, check to make sure your browser is set to allow pop ups. DO NOT click the large green arrow at the top of the page until you are ready to take the exam again.
Please note that you cannot save your space during a review session as you would when taking it for the first time. Exiting a review will require you to restart the module from the beginning if you choose to review it again. There is also no way to advance through a review module.While the pages will load faster, they still have a built-in time before you can advance to the next page.
You may review as many times as you want before attempting the exam. Reviews DO count towards your daily access limit and overall course hours.
Review Exams
You may also review previously completed exams. This is done for review purposes only. You will not see the exact quiz you took, but a new practice one will be generated. The time spend in these exams will count towards your daily limit but will not affect your progress through the course, regardless of whether you pass or fail the practice exam.
Review completed sections within a module
You can only choose to review a module once it has been completed. You cannot go back and review sections of a module while that module is still in progress.
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