If you have an administrative account with ClickSafety, log in to it through www.clicksafety.com to reach your company 'Dashboard'
1. Adding user
If the person or people you are assigning courses to are not already listed in your company account as having user names and passcodes, you must first add them. Users are added one at a time. There is currently no batch uploading.
On the Dashboard, locate and click the 'add users' link at the top.
Enter the new user's Last name, then First Name, and a 4 digit passcode (We recommend using the last 4 of the SSN. It is a secure number that is unique, unchanging and easy to remember). Then click SEARCH
If the user already has an existing account in your company the result will tell you. If they have an account outside of your company, you will be asked if you want to add the existing account to your company account.
You will be asked to fill in additional information including the new user's email and mailing information. If your company has categories set up, they can be selected from this page. Most of the fields are optional but we do recommend entering an email address. The email is used to alert the new user to their account creation and course assignment.
Once you have clicked the ADD USER button you will see the summary page containing the new user name and passcode. You are also presented with a number of links through which a course can be assigned, or the option to add another new user.
2. Assigning courses
Once a user has been added , courses can be assigned. (Note: this applied to ClickSafety and OSHA courses. Contractor site courses like Webcor, BNBuilders , XL and HaskellSafety must be assigned through those respective sites.)
Courses can be added in two ways. If the user has just been set up as in the example above, the summary page provides you with links to the various course types (see image above)
If the user is already in the system, search for their name in your Dashboard and on the search results.
Put a check mark next to their name (the system allows you to select multiple employees this way to assign courses to more than one person at a time) and click the 'select an action' box.
The options for assigns courses are:
a)Assign Training Course- The majority of courses will be listed under this option, including the newer format of OSHA courses.
b)Assign Training Group- this is a custom group of courses that you can make yourself. For example you could create a "New Hire" training for when new employees must all take the same 5 courses to start with. By assigning the group you can assign all of those courses at once.
c)Assign OSHA Group**- NOTE: This option is no longer used. OSHA courses can be assigned through the 'Assign Training Course' option
b)Assign Specialty Training Group**- NOTE: This option is no longer used. OSHA courses can be assigned through the 'Assign Training Course' option
** our newer HTML5 based, mobile compatible OSHA courses are not listed under the OSHA group option but under 'training courses'.
When a course is assigned you will be given the option to select a target completion date. This date is meant for tracking only. Users who do not complete the course by the target date will still be able to work on it but will be listed as Behind Schedule.
There is no way to change the target date once assigned so be sure to set a reasonable amount of time. Again, exceeding the time does not lock you out of the course.
The exception to this is the OSHA course targets. There are two target dates when an OSHA course is assigned: the Employer requirement which is 6 months from the assignment date and is meant for tracking, and the OSHA requirement which is 6 months from the day the user actually clicks to start the course and is what determines access to the course. When the OSHA requirement lapses, the user is locked out of the course and can no longer continue. Because a user may not start the course for some time after it has been assigned, these two target dates may be different but neither can be changed.
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